Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)


Program Overview

EMDR is an eight-phase treatment approach starting with the formulation of your case to reprocess your trauma and ending with positive personality integration and rehabilitation. The EMDR approach believes that past emotionally charged experiences overly influence present emotions, sensations, and thoughts about oneself. We can use this treatment program to update the brain with positive cognitions, letting go of the past and updating experiences to a healthier present perspective. While EMDR is done during individualized sessions with your counselor, it is important to maintain consistency during treatment, and sessions are often longer and more frequent than typical professional sessions. These sessions can be intensive and access both implicit and explicit memories from our past, which can cause distress and dysregulation. It is important that your counselor has the time at the end of each session to bring you back to homeostasis and ready to handle the various daily challenges you may face. While this treatment can be intensive for the client, it can lead you on a journey to altering your perspective on your past and walking towards your future with a positive cognition and a more balanced mindset.


What to expect

Whether you are interested in EMDR for yourself or your loved one, or our clinical team determines EMDR might be an effective treatment plan for you, the process will be the same. Our clinical team will complete an intake session that typically lasts ninety minutes. During that time, we will determine if you are a candidate for EMDR treatment and if there are any professional, personal, or financial constraints that could impede treatment. This eight-phase approach can last anywhere from four to twelve weeks on each target, depending on the severity of the trauma and the time constraints of the client. During the reprocessing phase, clients should expect waves of emotions throughout the week. As we access memories and negative cognitions from our past, it can ignite feelings of sadness, remorse, or regret. Understanding that sometimes we must feel bad before we feel better is an important mindset to embrace during this treatment. By the end of treatment for each target, clients should be able to look at their past experiences through a brighter lens and implement positive cognitions into each new life experience, bringing about a more balanced and harmonious mindset.


Who is this program for?

EMDR is an approach to treatment for individuals that suffer with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD), and other trauma related disorders. It can also be used for individuals that have suffered from traumatic experiences, from childhood to the present but have not been diagnosed with a trauma related disorder. This type of treatment is available for any client and has no restrictions on gender or age. EMDR can benefit any client that has experienced trauma and is willing to put in the work to alter their mindset.


Key benefits: EMDR Program

  • Individuals that have tried traditional counseling but are not able to see the changes they desire could benefit from a more intensive approach to counseling.
  • It offers individuals a structured method of understanding and reprocessing their trauma to change their perspective and mindset.
  • Builds in tools that individuals can implement into daily life to help them maintain a balanced lifestyle.

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