Healing from Loss with Empathetic Support

What is Grief?

After a sudden traumatic event, such as the sudden or expected loss of a loved one, it is common to experience an intensely sad period. This feeling is called “grief” and goes beyond typical sadness; grief and loss can feel overwhelming. Grieving is not an effortless process to get over and does not occur in a linear way over time like some other emotions.

What About Loss?

Although the loss of a significant other is included in the clinical definition of "grief," there are other reasons one could experience the intense sadness of losing something beloved, like a home, career, or relationship. Grief is highly personal and can take many years to come to terms with the exact cause or nature of our grief.

Many people are unaware of constructive ways to grieve. This is frequently the result of their incomplete understanding of mourning. With Embark Counseling we can help you understand grief and a healthy path forward.

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