Compassionate Care for Self-harm Recovery

What is Self-Harm?

While self-harm cannot be clinically diagnosed as a mental illness, it does cause emotional distress in parents and partners and can be indicative of underlying mental health concerns. Some people only self-injure themselves once. Others find it difficult to break the cycle. Those struggling from other conditions such as depression, disordered eating, PTSD from things like sexual abuse, and even substance use disorders may be more likely to engage in repeated self-harm. This is why it is imperative to seek help for yourself or a loved one when they engage in self-harm behaviors.

How Can I Tell My Loved One is Self-Harming?
How Can I Tell My Loved One is Self-Harming?

Symptoms of self-harm include unknown or recurring bruising, burns, or cuts, markings or scars on the arms or legs, alterations in conduct, like retreating from social interactions, frequent ideas about doing oneself harm, being alone by themselves for an extended period, or impulsive or capricious actions.

Suicidal Ideation
What is Suicidal Ideation?

Suicidal ideation is characterized by intrusive thoughts and an obsession with death and dying. Suicidal thoughts are often indicative of a mental health disorder since they are brought on by stress and an inability to cope in a healthy way. Ideations can vary widely in intensity, from fleeting contemplations about passing away to meticulous planning for a person's suicide. Sadly, there is a higher chance of self-harm, suicide attempts, and completed suicide if this kind of thinking continues and no action is taken to recover through mental health services.

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