Healing and Recovery through Specialized Trauma Therapy

What is Trauma?
Trauma is a universal phenomenon. People from all backgrounds, ethnicities, socioeconomic classes, ages, genders, and sexual orientations can be impacted by trauma. From experiencing a life-threatening event to a sudden death to abuse, trauma can occur in many different forms in our daily lives.
In some cases trauma may not be easily accepted or understood until later in life; depending on the age a person experiences a traumatic event, they may be able to overcome some of the impacts with existing coping skills but it is always a good idea to seek mental health care as soon as you are ready.

What is PTSD?
Not every traumatic experience or instance will lead to a PTSD diagnosis; with prompt mental health treatment for trauma, some patients can avoid the longer lasting negative impacts of an event, like PTSD. PTSD interferes with one's capacity to manage daily tasks. Unlike with trauma, it is extremely unlikely for PTSD symptoms to get better on their own. Treatment is essential. In certain instances, symptoms may manifest almost immediately. For others, symptoms may not manifest for decades before being identified.
At Embark Counseling, our counselors utilize clinically proven methods for treatment. Our clinical team recognizes and understands that research is consistently changing and updating due to the increased demand for treatment and the need for deeper understanding of how trauma impacts the entire body. That is why we strive to stay up to date on all new methods and strategies for treating trauma and empower our clinical team to continue their professional development.